Server Hosting

In all hosting services, website operation is possible. You can refer to the comparison table below to find the hosting service that meets your current requirements

Hosting Application Page

  • Seoul National University Portal MySNU > SNU IT Support > IT Services > Hosting Services

    ※ For detailed information, please refer to the ‘Application Procedure Guide.’


CategoryWeb HostingServer HostingColocation
PurposePromotion/small-scale websitesWebsites requiring additional software installationServer space rental service / Websites with high resource usage
Recommended Daily VisitorsUp to 200Up to 1,000Over 1,000
Website AddressAvailable with Seoul National University domain (e.g.,
AdvantagesCan operate with just website installationOptimization of website operating environmentCost-effective with high-spec resources usage
DisadvantagesLimited to specified website operating environmentsRequires OS environment management personnelRequires OS and equipment management personnel, high initial costs depending on equipment purchase
Eligible ApplicantsAll Seoul National University membersInstitution/Staff/Professors/Teaching AssistantsInstitution/Staff/Professors/Teaching Assistants
User Preparation RequirementsWebsite development personnel, Website maintenance personnelWebsite development personnel, Website maintenance personnel, Server OS management personnelWebsite development personnel, Website maintenance personnel, Server OS management personnel, Equipment management personnel (e.g., parts maintenance), Rack-type server, and LAN cable
Application MethodApply through the hosting management system
Note* Prior consultation with the IT Support Team (, 02-880-8282) is required before applying for colocation services.

Comparison of Configurations

CategoryWeb HostingServer HostingColocation
Main ServiceProvides folders for website hostingProvides OS for website hostingProvides server occupancy space/network/power
Additional Services

SSL (provided by default),
Integrated Authentication (provided by default),

Public i-PIN (provided by default)

SSL (user-installed), Integrated Authentication (user-installed, separate fee), Public i-PIN (user-installed)SSL (user-installed), Integrated Authentication (user-installed, separate fee), Public i-PIN (user-installed), Server Monitoring
Server MonitoringMonitored by Information Technology DivisionError messages sent to applicants onlyError messages sent to applicants only
Network Maximum SpeedOn-campus 100Mbps, Off-campus 10Mbps
Daily Data Transfer Limit3GBNo Limit
SecurityVulnerability checks for websites (mandatory once for users, can be performed upon request by the security team thereafter), Blocking of predefined hacking patterns and personal information formats
Note* External equipment can also use the domain (Inquiries:

Usage fees

CategoryWeb HostingServer HostingColocation
Basic SpecsDisk: 2GB

CPU: 1 core

Memory: 2GB

Disk: 20GB

1/8 rack (Maximum 3U size server) space
Basic PriceAnnual 30,000 KRWAnnual 240,000 KRWAnnual 300,000 KRW
Additional Specs (Accumulated Limit)12,000 KRW per 1GB (up to 5GB)120,000 KRW per 1 core (up to 4 cores) Memory: 120,000 KRW per 1GB (up to 8GB) Disk: 120,000 KRW per 20GB (up to 500GB)Continuously add units/amount based on basic specs

Linux Hosting Administrator Access

1. Preparation of access programRun programs allowing SSH (putty or Secure Shell Client).
2. Port Open (optional)Request No. 22 Administrator Port Open for the access.
3. Server AccessAccess with the information below.
1. Host Name: Web Page IP
2. Port: 22
3. ID: User ID for web hosting; Administrator ID for server hosting and collocation
4. Password: Password for the input ID

* If the web hosting ID information is lost, request “Find Password.” There is no support available for server hosting or collocation if ID information is lost.

Linux Hosting Administrator File Upload

1. Preparation of access programRun programs allowing SSH (AlFtp, FileZilla, or Secure Shell Client).
2. Port Open (optional)Request No. 22 Administrator Port Open for the access.
3. Server Access

Access with the information below.
1. Host Name: Web Page IP
2. Port: 22
3. ID: User ID for web hosting; Administrator ID for server hosting and collocation
4. Password: Password for the input ID

* If the web hosting ID information is lost, request “Find Password.” There is no support available for server hosting or collocation if ID information is lost.

Windows Hosting Administrator File Upload

1. Preparation of access programRun programs allowing FTP (AlFtp, FileZilla, or Secure Shell Client).
2. Port Open (optional)Request Administrator Port Open for the access
3. Server AccessAccess with the information below.
1. Host Name: Web Page IP
2. Port: No. 22 for web hosting; Server setting for server hosting and collocation.
3. ID: User ID for web hosting; Administrator ID for server hosting and collocation
4. Password: Password for the input ID

* If the web hosting ID information is lost, request “Find Password.” There is no support available for server hosting or collocation if ID information is lost.

Linux Web Hosting DB Management

1. Server AccessAccess web page as Linux server administrator.
2. DB Access Commands

Input the following commands in order:
1. mysql –u user ID –p –database user ID
2. User password

3. DB Backup Commands

Input the following commands in order:
1. mysqldump –u user ID –p –database user ID > backup file.sql
2. User password

4. DB Backup Data Recovery Commands

Input the following commands in order:
1. mysql –u user ID –p < backup file name
2. User password

* If the web hosting ID information is lost, request “Find Password.”