Mass Email

To deliver various academic and administrative information quickly and conveniently, you can use a bulk email delivery service.


  • Professors and staff members.

How to Use

  • Menu Location: Log in to MySNU > (Bottom) IT Services > Mass Email
UsersApply for institution manager and approval manager permissions to the Information Technology Headquarters.
(*Please refer to the application method below.)
At the initial use or when changing the institution/approval manager
Information Technology (IT) Administration

Granting Institution Manager and Approval Manager Permissions

Institution ManagerOngoing management and authorization of users/approval administrators within the institution, with one person designated per institution.User: Authorization for creating and sending content
Approval Manager: Authorization for approval
UsersContent creation, approval request, and distribution. 
Approval ManagerContent review and approval, management/supervision of institution administrators, designation of one person per institution.The individuals who can be designated as approval managers are defined in the regulations

Link to apply for the role of Institution

  • To apply for the role of Institution Manager or Approval Manager, please follow these steps:

    1. Log in to My SNU (
    2. Click on “SNU Support” or “스누인지원” in the menu.
    3. Navigate to “IT Services” or “IT서비스.”
    4. Select “Apply for Administrative Services” or “행정서비스 신청.”
    5. Choose “Apply for Mass Email Authorization” or “대량메일권한신청.”


    This should take you to the application page where you can submit your request for the desired role.


TEL : 02-880-8282(ITSC : IT Service Center) / E-mail :