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Data Centrictiy 

Establishing the Foundation for a Data-Centric University and Building Information Services to Create New Value through Data Utilization

1. Strengthening Data-Based Information Analysis and Output

Establishing an integrated system capable of collecting, analyzing, and distributing data to support evidence-based decision-making processes.

2. Construction of a MyData Platform

Developing a service that allows individuals to easily submit and verify various proof documents using their personal data, with their consent.

3. Establishment of a Budget Performance Analysis System

Creating the foundation for budget execution performance analysis to measure and analyze the performance of tasks and projects funded by resources. This information can be utilized for decision-making regarding financial management within the institution.

4. Building an IoT-Based Space Utilization System

Developing an integrated space/facility management system for efficient space management, facility maintenance, and construction management. Utilizing IoT technology to collect and manage real-time space utilization information and establishing a sharing system for unused spaces.