Building an intelligent service that autonomously responds to user demands through enhanced data accumulation and analytical capabilities.
1. Expansion of Student-Centric Intelligent Service (SNUgenie)
Establishing an information delivery system that supports students’ major and career choices based on their learning history and achievement diagnostic data.
2. Construction of a User Experience-Centric Service Portal
Restructuring the service structure to make it more intuitive for users to access the information and services they need by focusing on User Experience, thereby simplifying the dispersed and complex user structure.
3. Transition to Next-Generation Network (SDN)
Replacing and expanding the infrastructure for transitioning to an intelligent network that incorporates the latest technologies such as virtualization and private 5G.
4. Establishment of a Convergence Research Information Sharing Platform
Creating a platform for networking among researchers in related fields to facilitate the spread of convergence research and enhance research outcomes. This platform will enable personalized sharing of necessary information and offer AI-based continuous plagiarism management for research results.
5. Construction of a Big Data-Based Knowledge Information Platform
Building a big data platform for collecting and systematically categorizing knowledge information. This platform will be used to provide knowledge trend indicators by field of study and major, discover interdisciplinary knowledge, and develop a system for producing various intellectual outputs.