Faculty Navigator

Request SNU_ID

An SNU ID is needed to use the SNU portal site (mySNU) and other information services. You can request an SNU_ID on the main page of mySNU.

 – After registering the personal information of new faculty members in the Academic Affairs Office system, the individuals themselves can submit their applications

  • Your primary ID will be automatically generated based on your email address (e.g., user_id@snu.ac.kr).
  •  It will be available for use 15 minutes after online registration, and it is advisable to change your password periodically.

Wireless LAN Connection

Email and notification services.

We provide email services that are accessible both domestically and internationally.

  • You can access the service by visiting the Seoul National University portal (https://my.snu.ac.kr) and clicking on the ‘Mail’ menu at the top
    ※ Alternatively, you can access it by visiting the internet address (https://snu.gov-dooray.com/mail) in a separate browser or using the ‘Dooray’ app on your mobile device (enter the organization domain as ‘snu’).

Spam settings can be configured by following these steps:

  1. Go to the Seoul National University portal’s initial screen.
  2. Click on ‘Mail’ at the top.
  3. In the top-right corner, click on the ‘Gear icon.’
  4. Select ‘Settings.’
  5. Navigate to ‘Mail’ and then click on ‘Spam settings.'”

Mass email and survey/SMS/notification service.

  • When there is a need to send emails to a large number of users for educational, academic, or research purposes, or to conduct surveys, you can obtain sending permissions from your organization’s administrator and gain access to the service by obtaining approval from your organization’s head.

    1. Go to the Seoul National University portal’s initial screen.
    2. At the bottom-left, click on ‘IT Services.’
    3. Choose from ‘Mass Email,’ ‘Survey,’ or ‘SMS/Notification Sending.'”

Mobile app

Seoul National University Official Mobile App

  • Download the ‘Seoul National University App’ from Google PlayStore or Apple AppStore
  • The app is designed with a focus on the most user-friendly features of services provided by Seoul National University’s portal.

Campus Map

  • Download the ‘Seoul National University Campus Map’ app for building search, directions, and restaurant menus by location.

Hosting service

We offer three types of services for leasing IT resources for server and website construction, including Web Hosting, Server Hosting, and Colocation, along with a website construction platform.

  • How to Apply: Visit Seoul National University’s portal (https://my.snu.ac.kr), click on ‘SNU IT Support’ at the top of the initial screen, then select ‘Hosting Services’ and proceed with a new service application.
  • For detailed information, please refer to the application procedure and various manuals provided at http://hosting.snu.ac.kr

IT Service Inquiries and Support

[IT Service Center, Information Technology Services]

  • The IT Service Center of the Information Technology Services provides comprehensive counseling services to resolve issues that arise while using information services within the university.

[In-Person Counseling]

  • Gwanak Campus: Information Technology Services (Building 102), Room 205, Phone: 880-8282
  • Yeongeon Campus: College of Medicine Student Center (Building 5), 1st Floor, Phone: 740-8088

[Phone Counseling]

  • Gwanak Campus: 880-8282 (Weekdays 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM, Saturdays 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM), Foreign Language Support: 880-2121 (Weekdays 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM)
  • Yeongeon Campus: 740-8088, 8089 (Weekdays 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM)

[Online Counseling]

  • Chatbot Counseling: chatbot.snu.ac.kr
  • Portal (http://my.snu.ac.kr) ► SNU Support ► IT Services ► IT Service Q&A
[Email Counseling]

[Computer Equipment Rental Service]